Lord, to whom shall we go?
You have the words of eternal life.
For the first time since 2019 we celebrated Easter in the nave with the joyous sounds of choir, brass quartet and congregational singing. One of the most moving moments was singing the Hymn of Praise, This is the Feast of Victory for our God. Alleluia!
We were joined together in-person and through live-stream to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord, through which he has shared with us life forever.
Easter Day begins 50 days of celebration; a season of joy. As we watch new life bloom in nature, in the Easter season we are invited to be open to God working in the world and in our lives to bring new life, hope, and love. Even in a time of war, natural disasters, personal difficulties and losses, we are invited to trust God’s Spirit is moving among us. Where in the world and in our lives do we see God’s healing work? Where is there light even in the midst of darkness? Where is love in the midst of hatred? Forgiveness in the midst of painful experiences? Reconciliation where it seems impossible? New life blooming in places and situations where it seems hope is lost? Goodness found where it is not expected? In what ways is God moving in our own hearts to help us grow in love and compassion for others?
Let us continue to gather in a variety of ways to remind each other of the hope we have in Christ, in the company of brothers and sisters in Christ, in the waters of the font and in the holy meal, in the study of Scripture, and together, serving the needs of others.
Pastor Martha Miller Sims, Easter 2022
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