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Grace Welcomes All In Faith + Community + Service

What to Expect


Calling all kids! Kindergarten - 5th Graders are invited to G.L.O.W. Kids (God Light's Our Way)

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Summer Events

Lots of things are happening this summer! We're ready to spend extra time outside. Many of the groups of the church are finding creative ways to gather outdoors! See calendar for those events.

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Our youth meet twice a month and this summer they will be finding ways to meet outdoors.

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Serve on Sundays

Find a place to serve today! We need worship assistants, ushers, greeters, and people to help setup and clean for our Sunday worship opportunities. Please call the church office to volunteer ~ 540-662-6678.

New Members

A few times per year we offer a new members class to introduce you to the Lutheran expression of the Christian church, the congregation, and ways we can grow with you. In the meantime, worship, serve, study and grow with us! If you are interested in membership, please let one of the pastors know.

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Service and Outreach

At Grace we invite you to live out your faith and serve our neighbors as you are led by the Spirit. Many opportunities exist for serving, some of them are: Highland Food Pantry, CCAP, Kids Club of Northern Shenandoah Valley, Bright Futures, Vaccine Clinics.

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Welcome to Grace!

We are a vibrant and historical congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America with a deep commitment to faith in Christ, loving each other and our neighbors locally and globally through service, and through ecumenical and interfaith friendships. If you are searching for answers to questions of faith or for a church home, we invite you to learn more about us through this website, visit worship virtually (select link below), or contact us for more information.

What to Expect

  • Worship style at Grace is liturgical. This is a congregation that loves music and gathering together.
  • Time to arrive –  Services begin at 10:00 AM for the Summer (until 9/1/2024) (prelude music starts approximately 5 minutes before)
  • Parking – There is a parking garage on Braddock Street as well as  some street parking.
  • What to wear –  There will be a variety of styles of dress and you are welcome to come as you are.
  • Worship is approximately one hour in length. 
  • Holy Communion is offered at all services. All are welcome to receive Holy Communion.
  • A nursery is provided during Worship and Sunday School Children age 3 and under are welcome to stay in our staffed nursery.  You will be asked for emergency contact information and expected to remain at the church at all times.  Other younger children are welcome to use the nursery with a parent as a soft landing for a period of time during a Sunday morning as needed, but we encourage you to bring your children to worship.  Jeanette Kline is our Nursery Coordinator.


Our Latest Worship Service

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