Jennifer Strickler leads our team!
Jennifer Strickler is dedicated to the Early Childhood profession. She is a graduate of James Madison University where she received both her Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s of Arts in Teaching. She taught Kindergarten and First Grade in Shenandoah County for 7 years before taking a position as Assistant Director of a daycare and preschool in Strasburg, VA where she also taught the Pre-K class. Jennifer joined the Grace Lutheran Preschool staff in August of 2015 as Executive Director. She is a longtime member of the Virginia Association for the Education of Young Children (VAAEYC) currently serving on the executive board and works to support regional early childhood educators in the founding of and leadership within the Apple Valley Chapter of VAAEYC that represents the City of Winchester, and Counties of Clarke, Frederick, Shenandoah, and Warren. Jennifer is currently a Doctoral student in Early Childhood Education at George Mason University. She enjoys working with young children and watching them learn and grow with smiles!

Aimee Taylor: Mrs. Aimee Taylor has been our Assistant Director since 2019 and is dedicated to supporting our teaching staff and assisting children in the classrooms. She brings a wealth of classroom experience to her position after teaching preschoolers at Grace for over fifteen years. Prior to her role as teacher, she was an assistant teacher. Aimee currently serves as Treasurer for the Apple Valley Chapter of the Virginia Association for the Education of Young Children (VAAEYC). She enjoys reading to children and allowing them to interact with the stories. Best of all, she loves watching young children achieve those wonderful “ah ha” moments!
Pastor Jonathan Boynton: Pastor Boynton is the pastor who regularly works with our School and Board of Directors. Your children will see him often in the building checking in, at events and also at Preschool Chapel with his puppet friend Bok Bok. Both of Pastor Boynton's children have come to Grace Lutheran Preschool and have loved it!

Phelicia Beachley: Phelicia lives with her husband and three daughters in Winchester. In 2011 she was looking for a Christian preschool for her youngest (two-year-old) daughter and found Grace Lutheran Preschool (GLP) through a recommendation. In 2014 after being a stay-at-home mom for a few years, she started substituting at GLP and in 2015 accepted a full-time assistant position. In 2019 Phelicia became a lead pre-K teacher for one of the five-day classes. Phelicia has over twenty years of experience working with children of all ages in private and public schools in a variety of positions including volunteer, substitute, assistant teacher, and lead teacher. She has also served as a Sunday school teacher at her church. Phelicia says: I love my job working with the children. It’s rewarding to see each child's educational and social growth and the self-pride they gain with each accomplishment.

Berni Sisler: Berni Sisler moved to Winchester in 1988, she was looking for a Preschool, found Grace Lutheran and loved the program. She has been there ever since. She has 8 children and 18 Grandchildren, all 8 of her children and 10 (so far) of her grandchildren attended the Preschool. Berni started as a substitute in 2007 while her two youngest children attended the school. In 2012, Berni became Lead Teacher for the 3 year old class, and also taught the 2 year old class. 2019-Present Berni is a Lead Teacher for one of the Pre-K classes. She loves children, watching them grow, watching how proud they get when they learn new things.

Kathy Reed: Ms. Kathy is a 25+ year veteran of the Grace Lutheran Preschool family. She is the lead teacher of the two year old class and of one of the three year old classes. Her four boys completed all three years at Grace Lutheran Preschool Kathy has worked with children most of her life, and looks forward to many more years of teaching. She is continuing her college education in early childhood education, where she just earned her first degree in May of 2022. Kathy is originally from the shores of Lake Michigan, but has made Winchester VA her home for the last 30+ years.

Becky Barker: Miss Becky says, "I can’t wait to meet the students in my PreK class, which I am calling the “Butterfly Class”! I examine my backyard milkweed in August for tiny Monarch eggs, beautiful striped caterpillars, and even chrysalises to bring into my classroom for you to observe their full life cycle. After the Monarch season ends in October, I bring in my mealworms/darkling beetles and we observe their many life cycles throughout the rest of the school year. (There will be some hands-on opportunities for the students, if interested, with both species!) Over the years of teaching 2’s, 3’s, and 4’s preschool, as well as K, 1st and 2nd grade, I most enjoy the natural sciences, and like to pepper that into my math, language arts and “process art“ activities. Our hands-on learning with snap cubes, sorters, and counters make math come alive, and using the students’ names in a myriad of activities helps the children with early sound and letter association. Please enjoy watching us all become scientists, mathematicians and early readers!!”

Margo Johnson: Margo is a dedicated wife, mother, and grandmother of 10 amazing blessings. She comes to Grace Lutheran Preschool with 39 years experience in Early Childhood Education. Margo is a graduate of Lord Fairfax Community College. She taught for 10 years and then was promoted to Director of Lighthouse Baptist Daycare (Rosedale Kiddie Kollege) where she directed for 9 years. Margo then owned and directed Busy Beez Daycare LLC from 2011 -2019. Margo enjoys working with young children and nurturing them as they grow socially, emotionally and academically. She believes children are our future and is dedicated to enriching their lives with a godly influence.

Aimee Gangai: Aimee Gangai has always enjoyed working with children. She grew up on Long Island in a family of 7 children with parents who were both teachers. She earned her undergraduate degree in Child Study from St. Joseph’s University and her graduate degree in Library Science from Catholic University of America. She worked in public libraries for over 20 years in Youth Services, and her love of books and literacy now spills into the classrooms at Grace Lutheran Preschool. When not in the traditional classroom, Aimee spends her time with her family, traveling and learning about other parts of the world, gardening, reading, and volunteering for various non-profit organizations in Winchester. In the summer months, Aimee paints Little Free Libraries and raises monarch butterflies. She thoroughly enjoys sharing her love of books and nature with all ages.
Susan Henry: Susan Henry first discovered Grace Lutheran Preschool in 2019 when she was looking for a preschool for her 2 year old son. He loved all 3 years spent at the preschool and still has fond memories of it now! Susan began subbing in 2022, and accepted a full time teaching assistant position in 2023. Susan has always enjoyed working with children and is excited to help them reach their full potential in their education journey.

Elizabeth Singhaus: Elizabeth relocated to the Winchester area from northern Virginia and was in search of a preschool family for her two young girls. After touring Grace Lutheran Preschool and observing the wonderful environment, knew that her two girls would thrive and succeed at Grace Lutheran Preschool! After her girls finished preschool and continued to elementary school, they still talk about how much they love the teachers at Grace Lutheran Preschool! In 2021, Elizabeth accepted a full time teaching assistant position in the three year old classroom and has enjoyed continuing being a part of the Grace Luthern family. Elizabeth has taught kindergarten, special education, and preschool (prior to Grace Lutheran) and earned a BA from University of Maryland, Baltimore County with a focus in English and early childhood education.

Lindsay Smith:

Betty Johnson: Mrs. Betty is our beloved music teacher. She has been with us since 2017 and provides 30 minute music sessions once a week to each class. Her songs are full of movement and fun! She also prepares our preschoolers for their Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Graduation performances.
T. Shafferman: Mrs. T is the Director of Faith Formation and Youth Ministries at Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church and regularly leads chapel with our Preschool. She is often found teaching the Fruits of the Spirit throughout the year.