Ministry Councils


All of the ministries of Grace fall under the umbrella of  “Ministry Councils.” As you read the descriptions of each Ministry Council, if you are interested in participating or serving in some way, contact the church office at , and the chair of the Ministry Council will be given the information. Other information about these ministries can be found throughout the website. During the pandemic ministries have been continued in different ways.

Worship and Celebration Ministry Council

Worship is central to the life of Grace as we gather around the Word and Sacraments. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic we have learned a wide variety of ways to worship together: in-person inside and outside, live stream digital and on-demand. The style of worship is liturgical, primarily from Evangelical Lutheran Worship, but also including special worship settings such as Holden Evening Prayer, used during certain seasons. The congregation enjoys singing and good music of organ, piano and instrumentalists, and both vocal and bell choirs. The congregation provides a learning opportunity for students from Shenandoah University Conservatory as they serve as “Choral Scholars.” The program is a great benefit to the congregation as well.

Faith Formation Ministry Council

Growing in faith and understanding of God’s unfailing love is a lifelong process. Faith formation is an important ministry for all ages at Grace, with particular attention to children and youth. The ministries include Sunday school for all ages, Confirmation, Vacation Bible School, youth ministries as well as Bible and book studies, and special faith formation ministries for women, young adults, seasonal events, retreats, workshops among other opportunities.

Nurture Ministry Council

Care of our members especially those who are vulnerable or in a crisis or transition is provided by the Nurture Ministry Council in cooperation with the pastors. This includes Faith Community Nursing, home visitation, chancel flower delivery, providing meals during a time of crisis, Holy Communion delivery to members-in-special care, a health fair with Christ Episcopal Church, and Stephen Ministry (a program of one-to-one care-giving for those in crisis and transition).

Hospitality Ministry Council

Grace values diversity, relationships, fellowship and inclusiveness and sees these as key components of a thriving community.  The Hospitality Ministry Council oversees the congregation’s invitation, welcome and fellowship ministries, working with the pastors to welcome new members, providing fellowship opportunities for the congregation and for adults through small groups.

Service and Outreach Ministry Council

Outreach in the form of service and support is a very important part of the mission and ministry of the congregation.  Included in this is support to churchwide and synodical causes, including Lutheran Disaster Response and ELCA World Hunger, financial support for local human services organizations, global causes, and through the sharing of the congregation’s facilities to non-profit service programs in the community.  Members serve through participation in various programs to respond to the needs of our neighbors, like, for example, the Winchester Area Temporary Thermal Shelter (WATTS), monthly food and gas vouchers, Highland Food Pantry among others.

Leadership Ministry Council - Congregation Council

The congregation places high value on lay and ordained leaders working together in mission and ministry. Led by the Congregation Council / Leadership Ministry Council, all of the Ministry Councils encourage greater participation in the life and ministry of the congregation, and faithful stewardship of the congregation’s resources. Under the umbrella of this Ministry Council are the Property, Finance and Stewardship Committees among others. There are 22 members serving on Congregation Council, including the pastors and two youth representatives.

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